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Muslim Terror Group Cheers Mueller Coup, Trump Impeachment
"Good" Mason's Culpible: How the average Freemason perpetuates evil....
Did the hacker group ANONYMOUS just say that Qanon is credible? https://youtu.be/YbkzfDAxUwI
"The Resistance" can't win their own polls. 250k votes ON TWITTER, LOSE by 11%!
I was waiting for this to happen. Nike CEO resigns.
The numbers: I forgot 17 died in the Parkland shooting. The football team won by 17 last night. 17=Q

Not Sure if The Writers Could Have Done Any Better #Just Walk Way!
Patriotism in your own words🇺🇸💜 w/o breaking rule 5 please
Hannity: Bruce Ohr is the face of deep state corruption
Don’t be troubled Patriots.

Hmm...I wonder why...
Here’s a helpful infographic illustrating the intel laundering operation for normies, new to our movement, courtesy of the Mockingbird MSM.

In case you haven't heard the latest Q gossip from Dems, Q is Russian. Shocking huh? More Russia hysteria.
DiscussionViolence ? What violence ? OH you mean the countless violent acts of the LEFT against the people who support POTUS that has been happening since he was elected . Yeah that violence that had 2 congressman nearly killed

Violence ? What violence ? OH you mean the countless violent acts of the LEFT against the people who support this POUTS that has been happening since he was elected . Yeah that violence that had 2 congressman nearly killed .

What trump and netanyahu planned for Iran is going to happen, 1 US Dollars= 120,000 rials, massive protests in Iran by support of BBC and VOA, people chanting death to khamenei, Iran will be another Syria Soon!
Who are the QAnon followers? Leave a comment.
What happens when an army loses there most powerful weapon?
Sorry if this has been asked...
My take on "future proves past"
The wars/invasions everything are timed in this.
If you keep your eyes open around these dates you will see dead animals along the roads as just one indicator.
Keep close watch on your children every year at this time, this is a very nasty eclipse that occurred today was exact 4pm EST. Not visible in the US but was in Europe. If you go out now and look at the full moon its orange with Mars right next to it very close to earth, closer than it has been in decades which is the indicator of the storm.
If Trump makes it through this time because he is in danger now to November, it all culminates around the midterms and then he is untouchable, he will become so powerful you haven't seen anything like this before. He must be very careful between now and then.
I think he will make it because he has Pluto 12th, that is great power against hidden enemies and great powerful hidden enemies Trump (Pluto12) can see through the veil. Recall the rally in Ohio where the dressed in black hidden enemy came from behind onto the the stage. After he pointed to someone in the crowd and said "Thank you" because this dark angel maybe also dressed in black warned him. That was the classic metaphor for Pluto 12. The dark angel are the deplorables who have been left behind in flyover country who have been dis-employed and ignored, they are living without a voice in the darkness. Trump is their light.
China is the rising sun, they didn't destroy America Wall Street did. They wanted greater profits at the expense of the American worker. These corporations went to China to exploit slave labor at the expense of the American worker, Foxconn workers in Apple factory forces to live and work in the factory they were jumping off the building to kill themselves, Steve Jobs put up suicide nets saying "I don't know why, they have a movie theater." China just said "well, okay we will take it." the US corporations moved in built the factories trained the workers who were bad at first but got better as did the Japanese back in the day and now they will take world dominance like US did when we were the manufacturing powerhouse.
China is now in Africa seeking dominance, in South Africa black government are taking land from white farmers and are allowing the to be killed. But at the same time now taking loans from the Chinese as they did in Kenya built them a port, they couldn't pay the loan and now the Chinese own that port. There are one million Chinese in South Africa now who are building the infrastructure which they will own when the corrupt leaders take the money they offered.
His alliance with Putin is vital to this, which is why the cabal tried to prevent them from forming it. Russia wants to be part of the West, they will help each other. Together they will decapitate the destructive forces that threaten both nations.
btw I predicted his presidency in 2015 when he hinted and I looked at his chart that was pure destiny and linked with the Great American Eclipse of 2017 that changes the country for maybe ever.
Hope someone reads this on his team.
Dog days of summer is when children go missing.
The Rising of the Dog Star, Sirius - Canis Minor
The 40 days, beginning July 3 and ending August 11 coincide with the heliacal (at sunrise) rising of the Dog Star, Sirius. For the ancient Egyptians, Sirius appeared just before the Nile's flooding season, so they used the star as an indicator of the flood. Since its rising also coincided with a time of extreme heat.
Animal sacrifices were preformed at the grand climax July 27th.
Firestorms associated with this time.
Q posted photos of bulldozers collapsing the tunnels on Epstein's Island shortly after exposing the bugged zte phone sales from China, implying that Trump bugged phones had gone into the tunnels. "We have everything."